Menstrual Problems Treatment Doctors In Lucknow, UP

If you’re struggling with menstrual problems, Naina Homeo Care in Lucknow, UP, offers compassionate and effective homeopathic treatments tailored to your needs. Menstrual issues can vary widely, from irregular cycles and painful periods to excessive bleeding or premenstrual symptoms.

We aim to address these issues holistically, using homeopathy to help restore balance and improve your overall well-being. At Naina Homeo Care, our experienced doctors focus on understanding the root causes of your menstrual problems. We offer personalized treatment plans based on your specific symptoms and health history.

Homeopathic remedies are chosen to stimulate your body’s natural healing processes, providing relief from discomfort and regulating your menstrual cycle. Our patient-centered approach ensures that each treatment plan is customized to fit your needs.

We emphasize a supportive environment where you can discuss your concerns openly, receive professional guidance, and follow a treatment regimen that aligns with your lifestyle. Choosing homeopathy means opting for a gentle, non-invasive approach to managing menstrual problems.

Homeopathic treatments aim to balance your body’s internal systems without the side effects often associated with conventional medications. We strive to help you achieve a healthier and more comfortable menstrual cycle, promoting overall wellness.

For practical, personalized care for menstrual problems, visit Naina Homeo Care in Lucknow. Our dedicated team is here to help you find relief and support your journey toward better health.

Homeopathic Medicine in Lucknow for Painful Menstruation

Dysmenorrhoea implies painful menstruation. When it occurs with onset of ovulatory cycles in young girl, it is described as primary dysmenorrhoea and it is not associated with any pelvic pathology. It is a spasmodic pain, beginning with the onset of menstruation and lasts for a few hours or a day. When dysmenorrhoea occurs later in life, it is known as secondary dysmenorrhoea and is often related to some organic lesion in the genital organs.

Dysmenorrhoea is of three types:-

  • Congestive
  • Spasmodic
  • Membranous
This resembles premenstrual tension (PMT) to some extent. The woman complains of pain in the lower abdomen and backache radiating down the legs 3 to 4 days before the onset of menstruation. Sometimes, the bowel symptoms such as constipation, flatulence also develop. These symptoms subside with the onset of menstruation. In some women, no organic lesion exists in the pelvis, but many a times, conditions such as chronic PID, pelvic adhesions, fibroids, adenomyosis and endometriosis is detected. In some, congestive dysmenorrhoea may be due to premenstrual pelvic venous congestion, or due to imbalance between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The incapacitation due to pain may be severe enough to upset the daily routine work and social life.

In this condition, spasmodic or colicky pain is lift in the lower abdomen with the onset of menstruation. The severe pain lasting for an hour or two is followed by dull pain for about 10 to 12 hours, but this subsides once the menstrual flow is well established. In many, the pelvic findings are normal, but some reveal an organic lesion which accompanies congestive dysmenorrhoea. Five per sent IUCD users also develop spasmodic dysmenorrhoea, but progestogen-impregnated IUCD are pain free. Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea may be caused by excess secretion of prostaglandin F2 alpha. Since progesterone causes secretion of prostaglandin, spasmodic dysmenorrhoea is seen in ovulatory cycles.

In a rare case of membranous dysmenorrhoea, the pain begins with passage of a membrane, which consists of entire thickness of the endometrial.Clinical examination, ultrasound, and sometimes laparoscopy and hysteroscopy will detect the cause of dysmenorrhoea.

Spasmodic and membranous dysmenorrhea both are harsh medical conditions. There are no exact causes of spasmodic dysmenorrhea. A pain that occurs is because of spasm of muscles, which is severe enough that it causes ischemia or a loss in supply of blood to a particular area.

You can regard membranous dysmenorrhea as one extreme type of spasmodic dysmenorrhea. It is one harsh medical condition, luckily it’s very rare. It generally runs inside families and it can happen again after pregnancy.


Treatment of both dysmenorrhea is same. One should give a patient education on subjects of sex education, menstruation and reassured.

Symptoms, which are very deep and they can come or go suddenly and a feeling will accompany them. Menstrual flow is generally bright red, plentiful and can begin too early. Cramping and pain are worse via touch and jarring, yet if you apply steady pressure frequently brings relief. Bending or walking will only make situation worse. Sitting can be most bearable position. Edema and puffiness during menstrual stress time can feel too clumsy and awkward. You may feel pain in pelvic region, frequently with soreness close to pubic bone. Menstrual flow rise at night.

There are hormone-like matters such as prostaglandins, which cells produce like chemical messengers. These are significant hormones responsible for anti-inflammatory and inflammatory responses in cells; also you can call them as ‘bad’ and ‘good’ prostaglandins.

Most of people lack nutrients body requires for producing sufficient ‘good’ prostaglandins. While on other hand, they produce ‘bad’ type so many that acne sufferers take more than normal time to reduce red, sore and inflamed spots from their faces.

Painful cramping do not select any particular age. Generally all women who are going through monthly period have chances that they also pass on through Dysmenorrhea. This situation is confusing for many women as they feel they are experiencing severe cramping pains or usual flow.

They need periodic pain relief when it becomes unbearable. You should not create a habit of taking pain-killers. Use them only in case of great pain. Muscle cramps generally brought on via some factors such as heavy exercise, pregnancy, calcium stores or depleted magnesium or any different metabolic abnormalities, kidney failure, muscle fatigue, dehydration, hypothyroidism, alcoholism and medications.

An endometrium is one lining of uterus, which keeps apart myometrium from uterine area. In course of menstrual cycle of a woman, uterus free itself endometrial lining via glandular, thick, tissue filled with blood vessel for answering to hormone production of body.

Endometrium may appear similar to one usual menstrual period like endometrial lining still cast off. However, most of it does not go by. Rather, one portion of lining disappears and holds towards other organs inside pelvic cavity. Lining may fasten itself to bladder, bowel or small intestine or some other organs resulting in scarring, infection and even worse – infertility.

Homeopathic Doctor in Lucknow for Painful Menstruation

Homeopathy has effective cure in dysmenorrhea. The homeopathic medicines are known to reduce the severity of the pain as well as to treat the cause.
Homeopathy can cure the condition rather than control it temporarily. Every patient may present different set of individual symptoms, which are carefully noted while deciding the homeopathic line of treatment. Homeopathy is equally effective in acute painful condition when medicine is given on symptoms present. There is a prescribed homeopathic treatment for all above symptoms. For treating this female problem, there are remedies in homeopathy, which you need to take as and when told.