Homeopathic Medicine in Lucknow for Kidney Stone

Kidney stones, medically termed as renal calculi, are accumulations of mineral salts that can lodge anywhere along the course of urinary tract. Human urine is often saturated to the limit with uric acid, phosphates, and calcium oxalate. Normally, due to some natural mechanisms that control the pH of urine, these substances remain suspended in solution. But when these mechanisms get hampered due to some reason, these substances may crystallize and crystals may begin to clump together, eventually forming stones large enough to restrict urinary flow.

There are different types of crystals you can find in renal stones. These are calcium phosphate, calcium oxalate, mixture of both of them and magnesium ammonium phosphate. In a few cases, you will find that scarcity of Vitamin B6 leads to higher exertion and formation of calcium oxalate and kidney stones. When yeast or bacteria gets inside urinary tract through urethra, it is main basis for infection in the urinary system. Many various things can be a reason behind this kind of infection, which includes one drop in intercourse, estrogen or one fluctuation in functioning of immune system.

There are different types of kidney stones that you can find in body of a person such as calcium oxalate stones, struvite stones, cystine stones and one of least common is a uric acid stone

Types of Kidney Stones

  • Calcium stones –  made of calcium oxalate and in few cases also due to calcium phosphate
  • Uric acid stones –  formed due to high acid levels in urine
  • Struvite stones –  found in people with urinary tract infections
  • Cystine stones –  found among people who have the genetic disorder of cystinuria

Symptoms of kidney stones include pain radiating from the upper back to the lower abdomen and groin, frequent urination, pus and blood in the urine, absence of urine formation, and sometimes chills and fever. In milder cases, the symptoms may mimic a bad case of stomach flu or other gastrointestinal ailment.

A most common symptom arising from renal calculi is intermittent dull pain in the loin. It usually increases with movement especially during walking upstairs. Red cells, leukocytes or protein can appear in urine. So, you can safely say that dull ache in loin is generally because of one renal stone.

Blood in urine is at sometimes not visible. If quantity of blood is small, urine will appear normal. Medical experts call it microscopic hematuria as one can see blood cells only less than one microscope. You can discover it generally when you are a patient and have one urine test for a reason.

Homeopathy is renowned in world for replacing a surgeon’s knife in all renal calculus cases. It is one four-step action in homeopathic treatment such as

– Relief from any pain,

– Disintegration of stone,

– Fragments expulse through urine and lastly,

– Put an end for a tendency of recurring forming kidney stones.

A wide range of homeopathic medicines are available, which need to apply individually depending on patient’s symptoms and signs also renal pathology. Some selected medicines are berberis vulgaris, sarsaparilla, calcarea carb, ocimum can, thuja, lycopodium, cantharis, pariera brava, hydrangia, nuv vom etc., are a few of top selective medicines especially for renal calculi.

Constitutional Homeopathy treatment for kidney stones not just control pain and discomfort but also dissolve stones and expel them in urine. Homeopathic treatment for renal stones not only expels them, but also stops their recurrence and tendency to renal stone formation.